翻譯過程中,我們在許多地方受阻,主要是蒙頭硬沖的結果.文字表達是“柔性的”,最能“克剛”,因此,硬沖肯定不是辦法。我們必須憑借“迂回表達法 ”。像上面的“啞巴”,如果我們不知道dumb這個單詞,這並不應該妨礙我們交際過程中的表達,畢竟我們會說,a person who can't speak。同洋,如果我們要講“我得好好收拾收拾他”,但不知道“收拾”怎?表達才地道,最起碼我們學過“teach sb a lesson”,我們還可以說“give him some color”,或幹脆再迂回一下這樣來表達1 will be very angry with him,and then he'll remember me forever!當然,如果知道“I'll fix him up”就更好了。
1.許多大科學家壹生鍾愛藝術,且懂藝術,從中汲取養料,培養浩然正氣,或得到人生最大寬慰。相反,能熱愛並且理解自然科學和工程技術的文學藝術家真可謂鳳毛麟角。英文是Many great scientists love art all their lives.They undseoerstand it and absorb nutrients from it (benefit from it).They foster an upright spirit out of it,and very often,find the greatest//ultimate pleasure//comfort from it. Quite the opposite,artists who both love and understand natural science and engineering technology are really rare(are the rarity of rarity)。
2.他們創造了令人歎?觀止的音樂傳播手段,從最早的機械留聲機到今天五花八門的徵信媒體。英文是They have created amazing//fascinating means of music transmission,ranging from the earliest gramophones to the miscellaneous//different kinds of electronic media of nowadays.
3.對於有文化的女性來說,她們不是把家庭當成依賴。她們找的是知音,是精神上可以信任和理解的人。英文是。To those educated women,families are not what they depend on,What they seek for is a bosom friend,a person who is spititually trustworthy and one she can really understand.